Consumers surveyed for the YouGovPolimetrix BrandIndex were asked to rate everything from cable channels to search engines in terms of bang for the buck. It's not so much a scientific study as it is an opinion poll, and among the department stores and search engines, automakers were also rated. Among the domestic carmakers, General Motors claims both the best and the worst, with HUMMER rated the worst bang for the buck while Chevrolet was rated positively. Toyota was among the top ten of all brands rated, demonstrating consumers ongoing love for their Camrys, but before we end up with a dogmatic flamewar in the comments, remember that this is just an opinion poll with an buzzword-tastic name.
[ Via: AdAge ]
[ Tag: brandindex, chevrolet bang for the buck, chevrolet toyota hummer, ChevroletBangForTheBuck, ChevroletToyotaHummer, gm bang for the buck, GmBangForTheBuck, hummer bang for the buck, HummerBangForTheBuck, toyota bang for the buck, ToyotaBangForTheBuck, yougov ]
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